Zmoongo Andiwalaano (My People),
I know a lot of you are scared. I get it.
President Trump is going to do and say a lot of crazy shit. Everyone and their mother will tell you that they know EXACTLY what will happen over the next few years, months, weeks, and days.
As someone trained in various intelligence agencies, I can offer real-world advice.
Keep copies of your paperwork with you: Keep ALL of your documents with you in your car because that’s the most likely place you will encounter police officers. I encourage you to have the paper copies with you, and also a readily accessible PDF version on your cell phone.
Should You Get Detained: Your Miranda rights are your friends. I’m not a lawyer but have been trained to survive detainment. First, don’t run. Second, be polite. Third, you don’t have to say anything. No matter what the cop says, you can not talk. Fourth, if you can afford a bail bond agent, keep a copy of their phone number handy. Fifth, have that number pre-programmed on your phone. Sixth, if you can afford an attorney, keep a copy of their phone number handy. Seventh, have your attorney’s number pre-programmed on your phone. Eighth, should you feel you’ve been wrongly detained, please contact the Afghan American Veterans Alliance.
You Might Get Fired: Employers—even refugee case agencies—will fire employees without cause. You should start saving immediately. Keep enough savings to survive in a lousy hotel room for four months. Then, make copies of an ATM debit card and make sure everyone in your family has a copy and can access that money in case you’re fired—or detained. You need to have cash readily accessible.
Don’t Panic: The early days of most administrations are hectic and filled with executive orders. Perhaps one day soon, Democrats will start filing injunctions, and we will see what happens when President Trump faces his first judicial order.
Listen to Me: When I tell you it’s time to panic, then it will be time to panic.
In essence,
The Weekly Wrap
Our Friends
The Future
In about five days, I’m going black on comms until the end of February. I’m going to take my first post-retirement vacation. My team, Grumpy Combat Veteran, will take over. We will aim for one post a day. There will be mistakes. Please be kind to our team, filled with GWOT veterans andera Mana, Zmoongo Andiwalaano.
Peace Out
Until Next Time
I am a lawyer, and I recommend never talking to a cop who might arrest you. Tell them you will talk after you’ve met with your lawyer.
Hope you will have a lovely peaceful time on that island.
Here I come again with some unsolicited advice. When I was doing my world traveling some decades back, I wore a grouch bag around my neck where I kept my passport and travelers checks. There may be a hipper way to stow a passport these days. However, I would put a note in a grouch bag around your neck that says you have occasional psychological troubles and suggest a method of getting your crazy ass back to Texas if necessary. As the Boy Scouts say: “Be prepared”... for every eventuality.