I’m awake after working out for two hours at my bougie CF gym. My G*d, it was glorious.
I’m currently operating on endless cups of coffee, so if we’re off here and there, please provide us with grace.
Anyway, how about Nancy Pelosi? C’mon, they brought her out from “retirement” to take down the King. And she did it ruthlessly. Oh my G*d, she’s a stone-cold killer, people.
I say that as a lifelong critic of the Speaker. I do not share her politics, but war makes strange bedfellows.
All the leaks were very well organized. The breadcrumbs all point to the blade of his strongest “ally,” Nancey Pelosi. Schumer, Jeffries didn’t have the stones to kill the leader.
In my opinion, Nancy Pelosi has earned her place among the Liberals’ pantheon of badass women. Both sides have them. But, oh my goodness, she’s lethal.
Cue every Italian Godfather movie ever made. I’ve been binge-watching them during my time in Israel. I’ve been watching the classics: Godfather 1 & 2, Goodfellas, and the Irishman. So, that is likely coloring my analysis, but, ya know, I’m really jet-lagged.
You can hate Nancy Pelosi all you want. I begrudge no person’s vote. I’m not trying to convert anyone into my ideology. But the message is quite clear.
The most potent and effective Democratic Congresswoman just knifed the patriarchy, if you will. I mean, whoa. Respect the skillset. And who for? Our first black female candidate. Whatever you think of those monikers, it doesn’t matter. Just as story telling, it’s powerful.
If you’re into Mafia movies, Goodfellas is probably in your top 5? It has incredible storytelling. The protagonist, Henry Hill, played by Ray Liotta (RIP), provides this fundamental truth about betrayal:
If you're part of a crew, nobody ever tells you that they're going to kill you, doesn't happen that way. There weren't any arguments or curses like in the movies. See, your murders come with smiles, they come as your friends, the people who've cared for you all of your life. And they always seem to come at a time that you're at your weakest and most in need of their help.
We can all talk about how it’s better for the country that Biden is still around. Or we can talk about whether he should’ve left sooner and if he should be allowed to continue now (those are legitimate questions, in my humble opinion).
And those navel-gazing questions are important.
On the other hand, respect Nancy Pelosi’s wetwork.
The Prussian God of War, Clausewitz, wrote this little aphorism:
War is a continuation of politics by other means
But watching Nancy Pelosi order that hit I couldn’t help but think that Clausewitz had it exactly backward: politics is a continuation of war by other means.
My Editor Writes for GCV
The Bulwark has some of the smartest editors. Seriously. They make my drivel seem coherent, which is a herculean lift for someone who is not quite right in the head. Anyway, Benjamin Parker has a really excellent essay examining the contradictions inherent in the concept of war crimes.
Douglas MacArthur was far from the ethical model of a modern soldier. But he did, in one of his famous utterances, give the best starting point for how war crimes should be addressed: “There is no substitute for victory.”
You should read everything that Benjamin writes. He’s wicked smart.
Whispers of Aqsa
I pulled the trigger too early on the release of Aqsa’s writing. That’s my fault. Please forgive me, but jet lag is a killer in your mid-40s! I used to just execute, but I need to rest more and more.
Anyway, as always, Aqsa has some unique insights to offer.
When we moved to the US in 2021, I didn’t speak a word of English. Coming from a poor family, I never imagined that one day I would write and have big dreams. America, the land of dreams, has allowed me to dream big and write for a better world and future. One of my biggest dreams is to become the first Afghan-American astronaut. I want to be a role model for Afghan girls and show them that anything is possible.
At GCV+F, we support those left behind. We amplify their voices, because America’s shameful actions had deadly reverberations. If you disagree with us on this issue or that, it’s really unimportant to our other mission: we give a platform for those affected by war.
Everyone is affected by war. Liberals, progressives, conservatives, libertarians, and nat-cons. War does not care. And, frankly, neither do I.
Think about supporting our venture. We truly appreciate all who subscribe. You’re our most important resource.
Americans of Italian origin, like myself, can be less than thrilled at Godfather analogies. Pelosi has hard-nosed political skills that other Dem leaders lack. She knows how to count votes without deluding herself. And she takes on hard decisions where people will get hurt. I admire her, but you can have those skills without being a mafioso, or mafiosa.
I think Nancy Pelosi will go down in history as one of the most consequential Speakers in the country's history. It's no easy matter wrangling Democrats to unite. We truly are a big tent when it comes to the range of beliefs and policy preferences. Her mastery of her caucus was exceptional.
And of course as a woman who grew up and through times when we garnered a lot less respect for our intelligence and talent, I will always give recognition to women who broke through those barriers.